About Sew Ingwii

Hi, I’m Ingunn!

I live in Oslo, Norway with my husband, and I have three grown-up daughters. I started sewing my own clothes way back in the 80’s and have been sewing on and off since then.

Sew Ingwii started as my Instagram account in June 2018. A renewed interest in sewing my own clothes was fueled by the amazing community for sewing I discovered online. I get tons of ideas and learn so much from all the creative sewists out there, and I want to give something in return. For a long time I’ve contemplated starting a blog to supplement the @sew_ingwii posts because sometimes a quick post on the ‘gram just isn’t letting me elaborate much. The blog format is better for keeping record of what I do. I hope my thoughts and ideas can be helpful to you, too. My sewing nickname reflects my interest in sewing combined with the first username I had when I started my online presence many moons ago as ingwii. 

You can easily navigate this site via the main categories Notes, Tests, Hacks, Wear and Misc in the top menu. In addition I’ve tagged all posts with type of garment, pattern name and designer, so if you click on one of those in the tag cloud you’ll find everything related in one place.

So – here I am! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Leave me a comment, or you can always DM me on Instagram, too. See you around!

Happy sewing,
